Becoming a Conscious Consumer | Slow Food & Slow Fashion

Being aware of what you buy and use. Recently, researching for my topics which had sustainability and environment-friendly at the centre, I realised my level of unawareness and ignorance. I came across terms like – Slow fashion and Slow food, both of which I thought must be new but have been around long enough forContinue reading “Becoming a Conscious Consumer | Slow Food & Slow Fashion”

Terminology – Some important terms to be aware of (related to green life/a conscious consumer)

Slow foodIt envisions a world in which all people can access and enjoy food that is good for consumers, producers and the planet through three interconnected principles: good (quality, flavoursome and healthy), clean (environmentally friendly) and fair (accessible prices for consumers and fair conditions and pay for producers).[ref]It has infused the global culture withContinue reading “Terminology – Some important terms to be aware of (related to green life/a conscious consumer)”

Research – sustainable fashion & people making it possible

Excerpts clubbed together published on different platforms covering the important points of sustainability, sustainable fashion and some detailed differentiation of different grades of plastics. From an article – ‘The concept of “cradle-to-cradle” — taking responsibility for a product’s impact from the sourcing of the materials to its ultimate disposal — is also becoming increasinglyContinue reading “Research – sustainable fashion & people making it possible”

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